Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

This little girl is now lucky to have a wonderful mother who she counts as one of her best friends. This is rare. My mom is smart, funny, super well informed about what is happening in the world, generous, kind, a great cook, a very good friend to her friends, and absolutely devoted to her family. I count my blessing in her everyday. Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Happy Mother's Day to two wonderful mothers Cindi and Nan, You have and are raising some daughters who are beautiful inside and out!


Mary Stanley said...

What a sweet photo! And what a cool mother you have! Just like you!

Shari Beaubien said...

I can totally see you in your photo of your mom! I'll bet you could be mistaken for twins, were you both the same age. Hugs, sweet friend... Shari