Saturday, May 5, 2007

So Many Good Things!

This week I found out that the ArtFiberFest Quilt Swap that I participated in last year, and beautifully hosted by Shari Beaubien, is featured in this issue of CLOTH, PAPER AND SCISSORS! My quiltlet is at the top of the second hanging from the right. Thank you Shari for all of your work!

I am also the lucky recipient of a give-away by the talented Rice Freeman-Zachery! She was giving away copies of her book Stampartistry... and I am getting one! Thank you Rice! By the way, if you ever have the opportunity of taking a class with her do so! She is a talented, patient, generous and fun teacher.

1 comment:

Runner Gurl said...

ACK!!! *running to find my new issue of CPS*

I'm so excited for you!!!!!! CONGRATS on being PuBLisHeD!!
: D