Sunday, August 3, 2008

Deb's Babysitting is Back in Business!

Colcado... this post is for YOU!!

Several months ago our when our roof was being worked on, we discovered two baby morning doves on our balcony. Their momma bird would bring her babies first thing in the morning and then pick them up at dusk. When our roof was completed the birds stop coming. I was sad to them go, but understood that their momma thought our balcony was safe place to keep them.

Well, the other day I came home and saw something strange in the nest of leaves outside. When I looked closely it was two more baby birds! Their momma comes during the day to feed them. Here they are. The second picture was taken of them through my screen door so it isn't as clear. But, aren't they cute?

This morning when I woke up there were three baby birds... not just two. And, later there were two momma birds. But one baby and momma have gone now. But, I still have two out there.

Its funny to watch them fly since they don't fly very well yet. I can tell their aiming for a tree branch, but aren't able to fly directly there. They kind of swoop and swirl first. I love having them here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Road Trip, Part Two

After getting on the road again, we drove from Boulder to Las Vegas... up and over the beautiful Rockys through mountains meadows that are exactly as you imagine them. Then we wound our way through canyons that bordered the Colorado River. My pictures, taken from the car while speeding, arent great but give you an idea.

I am voting Utah as the most beautiful state we drove through. Both the northern and southern parts were gorgeous! Very different, but amazing. Then into Las Vegas where we partied like rock stars for three nights and two days! Ok, our level of rocks stars... no shows, penny and nickel slot machines (about a $1 at a time)... our big cash winning was won by Ovid - $10.85!!!!

This is one of my favorite things in Las Vegas... the water fountain show at the Bellagio. It is truly wonderful.

Here's Ovid inside of the "palazzo " in the Venetian Hotel. Its my favorite hotel on the strip. This picture makes it looks like it is daytime, but its not that bright. All the commercialism aside, I love all of the various forms of art that are celebrated in Las Vegas.

We spent one day on the strip (that was enough for me) and one day going out to the west rim of the Grand Canyon. We came within 25 miles of Kingman, AZ and thought we would have time to go see my friend Laura... but we ran out of time driving down and back this 14 mile unpaved road in our brand new car. Laura, I was thinking hard about you all day long hoping we'd get a chance to see you.

Gail this is for you: On our way to our hotel we walked by the TK (Toby Keith) nightclub!!!! Ok, I didn't see him, but I did see a poster of him. At that moment, I was too tired to even take my picture, but I sure was thinking about you!

Ok, if you're wondering why we went to LV it is because Ovid has grown nieces there. So I dubbed this The Niece & Nephew Tour. We had a chance to see two out of three of his nieces and spend quality time with them. They are amazing young women and I am enjoying getting to know them.