Sunday, December 2, 2007

Boulder Love

Here are some pictures of my wonderful, cute, smart and silly nephews.

This is baby Gray who is 4 weeks old today. When he is awake he is very alert!

Here is Gray asleep on his daddy's knees wearing the 3-6 month old sweater that I knit for him. It fits him already. He's a big boy!

This is me and Colton washing the dishes. He loves to help... and get his hands wet too!

This Colton with my mom, Grammy Baabaa (Barbara) making blintzes. A dinner request from my brother Ryan.

Here is my very sweet sister-in-law Brooke with Gray. She and my brother are amazing parents! Patient, loving, but lots of fun too!

This isn't the best picture, but its one of my favorite memories from this time. Colton got a hold of Ryan's MP-3 player, so Ryan was helping him listen to the music. When Colton heard the music his face would light up and he would say, "singing!!!".

I am so utterly grateful for my family and these boys that have graced our lives. What joy they bring to us all!


Runner Gurl said...

These are PERFECT specimens of kid-ness!
; )

YOU, my dear, are a lucky auntie.... and I know for a FACT that they are lucky nephews.

Sending love,

Lori S-C said...

What a good looking family!