I have been bitten by the on-line class bug and have taken some amazing classes. I highly highly recommend taking DJ Pettitt's photoshop class! When she offers it again run and sighn up! The amount of information she offers is huge.
I also am just finishing Stephanie Lee's Thought Threads class and what an amazing journey thats been. I wasnt looking for a journaling class, but something about this class called to me and I am so glad that I listened! Not only does she write beautifully, but her posts and emails are always positive, supportive and uplifting. I am really sad that this class is ending and that she doesnt offer a TT 2! I am surprised that writing has really been supporting my artmaking.
Ok, there are two other classes I want to take. One is offered by Julie Pritchard and the other is by Mary Ann Moss of Dispatch From LA. Lots of fun is in store for me!