Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Changes

This past week we found out that the foundation I work for is laying off almost one-third of its staff, my sweetie and immediate supervisor included. This is the only time in its 55+ year history that they have had to do this. Working with the homeless, they know how devastating losing one's job can be. So the severance packages are really generous.

But, to tell you about the quality of the people I work with... I know that many of them are worried about their loss of jobs... but, they are even more worried about the clients they are leaving behind. Several very vital and key programs are being eliminated. We work with the poorest of the poor and we offer some of the best services, in terms of in-depth work, caring, and kindness, to our clients. It is truly heart breaking. I am so glad that my sweetie and I have each other.


I think I have two of the world's cutest nephews! This picture was taken yesterday... baby Gray (on the left) is six months old today. He's one big boy... weighing just 5 lbs less than his 2 year old brother! I have said this a million times and will say it millions of times again... I am so very happy that they are part of my life.